The Bad and the Beautiful
The new album The Bad and the Beautiful is out now!
“Walk With Me” with Alejandro Escovedo.
Lace Up Your Sneakers (Official Video)
Paste Magazine - Full Session

The new album The Bad and the Beautiful is out now!
Malin’s “Greener Pastures” — performed at the start of his second set, with his former manager Diane Gentile providing soulful harmonies — asserts, “You can make it if you try.
VENTS Magazine recently had the pleasure of interviewing Diane Gentile, of Diane Gentile and the Gentle Men, about her “Walk With Me” video, which features Alejandro Escovedo. The interview can be read below.
“Gentile and Escovedo answer each other's lines, match each other's expressions of resilience and hopefulness, and harmonize with a rough sort of beauty.”